Edge template VI2a
The edge template template VI2
Let us first see what possibilities Red has if he moves first.
There are two obvious options:
In both diagrams the possible intrusion points are marked by (+). So we only have to consider the intersection of the intrusion points. They are:
Intrusion at E5 and F5
If Blue blocks at E5 then Red plays F3, reducing to Template IVb
Likewise if blue blocks at F5:
Intrusion at G2
Blue has four options that don't immediately reduce to another edge template:
Block at E4
Red's G3 piece is connected to the top via F3 or H2.
Here Red has created a Ladder escape fork. If blue blocks the ladder Red plays at D3.
Block at D5
And Red has connected. If blue choose to play at E6 instead of E5:
Block at C6
Block at E6
Play continues...
Intrusion at E6
Red threatens to connect via D4. Blue must respond in one of the marked hexs.
The H4 piece is connected to the bottom with template III-1-a, and is connected to the top in two non-overlapping ways: