Worst move puzzles

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Normally, the goal of a puzzle is to find the best move(s) or a winning move. The puzzles on this page have the opposite goal: to find the only losing move.

The puzzles are approximately sorted in increasing order of difficulty.

Puzzle 1

By Selinger. Red to play the unique losing move.


Try it on HexWorld.

(Of the 10 empty cells, 9 are winning moves for Red, and 1 is a losing move for Red.)

Puzzle 2

By Selinger. Red to play the unique losing move.


Try it on HexWorld.

Puzzle 3

By Eric Demer. Red to play the unique losing move.


Try it on HexWorld.

Puzzle 4

By Hexanna. Red to play the unique losing move.


Try it on HexWorld.

Puzzle 5

By Hexanna. Red to play the unique losing move.

This is a difficult puzzle.


Try it on HexWorld.

See also